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The Hazeldell Rural Fire District (HRFD), formed in December of 2002, consists of 23 square miles located around the incorporated cities of Oakridge and Westfir. For purposes of description and planning, the District may be viewed as six zones. Our continuing objective is to have an adequate water supply in place or to have adequate water transport capability for all zones. HRFD and Oakridge Fire Department pumpers and water tenders (located at the Oakridge Fire Station, as well as a water tender and engine located on Dead Mountain Road at the High Prairie Station) respond to all fire calls in the District as well as support units from East Lane (Forest) Fire Protection District and the Forest Service. Additionally, Dexter RFD and Lowell RFD can respond as provided by mutual aid Agreements. The HRFD has an Intergovernmental Agreement with Oakridge for the use of the central Fire Station for training and fire suppression. Oakridge Fire Department also provides advanced life support ambulance services within the district.